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zanier meaning in Hindi
zanier sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Minor-league baseball means promotions, the zanier the better.
- The zanier the holder, the better it seems to sell.
- Then there is the zanier end of the affinity-card trade.
- He's into zanier things, as he has a pierced tongue.
- And the zanier stunts can be traced beyond Carson and Paar to Steve Allen.
- But in late September every night would be like Friday night, if not zanier.
- Compelling folk-art images, the zanier the better, have always attracted Pearson.
- One reporter, obviously expecting the zanier Shore, asked why he was so downbeat.
- Steel's tastes are broader, zanier and less tied to any particular compositional style.
- Smith also commented that Daphne wore " zanier clothes " than she did and was more outgoing.