Noun • anguish • annoyance | • distress • grieving |
दु:ख in English
[ du:kha ] sound:
दु:ख sentence in Hindi
- He goes so far as to state the existence of an American-sponsored “holocaust” since 1945 that has caused the death of a few million people and condemned many more millions to “lives of misery and torture.” David Horowitz, a foremost analyst of the left, sums up this line of thought in his excellent study, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left (Regnery): for Blum, “America is worse than Nazi Germany.” Horowitz also notes that “there is no discernible difference” between Blum's view of the U.S. role in the Cold War and the crudest Communist caricature manufactured in the Kremlin.
उन्होंने इससे भी आगे बढकर 1945 से अमेरिका प्रायोजित नरसंहार का अस्तित्व सिद्ध किया जिसमें लाखों लोगों की जान गई और लाखों लोगों को उत्पीङन और दु:ख का जीवन जीना पङा.