
octupole sentence in Hindi

"octupole" meaning in Hindi  octupole in a sentence  


  1. Higher-order terms ( like the quadrupole and octupole ) vary more quickly with angles.
  2. Formally, the field can be expressed as a multipole expansion : A dipole field, plus a quadrupole field, plus an octupole field, etc.
  3. Electric dipole, quadrupole, octupole & radiation ( generally : 2 l pole radiation ) is also designated as E1, E2, E3, & radiation ( generally : E l radiation ).
  4. Similarly, magnetic dipole, quadrupole, octupole & radiation ( generally : 2 l pole radiation ) is designated as M1, M2, M3, & radiation ( generally : M l radiation ).
  5. In 1970 Gryzinski has proposed classical explanation of Ramsauer effect using effective picture of atom as oscillating multipole of electric field ( dipole, quadrupole, octupole ), which was a consequence of his free-fall atomic model.
  6. The central region where the mixing and thus antihydrogen formation takes place is surrounded by a superconducting octupole magnet and two axially separated short solenoids " mirror-coils " to form a " minimum-B " magnetic trap.
  7. :I will answer shortly, but the question is not of " proving or disproving ", rather, whether certain structural features of the CMB ( alignment of quadrupole and octupole, and correlation to the ecliptic and equinoxes, especially ) challenge the Copernican Principle.
  8. In general, electric ( charge ) radiation or magnetic ( current, magnetic moment ) radiation can be classified into multipoles E? ( electric ) or M? ( magnetic ) of order 2 ?, e . g ., E1 for electric dipole, E2 for quadrupole, or E3 for octupole.
  9. The first ( the zeroth-order ) term in the multipole expansion is called the monopole moment, the second ( the first-order ) term is called the dipole moment, the third ( the second-order ) is called the quadrupole moment, the fourth ( third-order ) term is called the octupole moment, and the fifth ( fourth-order ) term is called the hexadecapole moment.
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