unwaveringly in a sentence
- And sentiment in the league seems to hold that the cadence will carry him directly, unwaveringly, to Oakland.
- But at its best, " Chicago Hope " peers unwaveringly at the troubled heart of health care.
- As Speaker of the House; and subsequently, Wachuku, during the civil rights movement, unwaveringly supported African Americans
- The U . S . president remains motionless _ then finally turns and stares unwaveringly into the eyes of Adolf Hitler.
- While support for accession into the EU has been unwaveringly high, support for the Western military alliance has been erratic.
- The Kadets " were unwaveringly committed to full citizenship for all of Russia's minorities " and supported Jewish emancipation.
- Navrotsky's most cherished genre was that of a historical drama in verse, his attitude remaining unwaveringly pro-monarchist.
- Richardson gets the applause, the unwaveringly positive publicity, and now, a White House appointment as ambassador to the United Nations.
- Just off the square, two stuffed boar's heads stare unwaveringly at each other from the opposite portals of a shop.
- After the terrorist attacks of Sept . 11, 2001, Bush's chief focus remained unwaveringly on the war on terrorism.