
disquietingly meaning in Hindi

disquietingly sentence in Hindi
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  1. On TV and in person, these people come across as disquietingly familiar.
  2. Yet they were all disquietingly similar.
  3. It protrudes far more than any other element, almost disquietingly so in its exaggerated gesture.
  4. It comes off as both disquietingly heroic and at the same time spiritually arrogant-David Bowie
  5. What initially shapes up as a disquietingly soft stab in the human heart turns obvious and formulaic.
  6. Take Ms . Swenson's disquietingly lovely performance of Juliette's Act I aria after first meeting Romeo.
  7. The maximum line speed of was imposed by the Board of Trade, having observed disquietingly higher speeds at inspection.
  8. Ford's biographer concluded " The evidence is disquietingly strong that Ford cheated deliberately as well as unconsciously ".
  9. Bilbao, with its grimy apartment blocks, warehouses and disquietingly dark river full of unidentified floating objects, is not.
  10. Yet their all-American veneer skews disquietingly when they test Faraday with pointed remarks about nobody in government assuming responsibility.


  1. in a disquieting manner; "the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire"
  2. in a disquieting manner; "the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire"

Related Words

  1. disqualified
  2. disqualify
  3. disquiet
  4. disquieted
  5. disquieting
  6. disquietude
  7. disquisition
  8. disrating
  9. disregard
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