Noun • विज्ञापन लिखने वाला |
copywriter meaning in Hindi
copywriter sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- The first word a young advertising copywriter learns is : free.
- One reason is probably the youth of copywriters and media buyers.
- And Luke Sullivan, crazy copywriter, yet to be neutered.
- Thompson copywriters are creating radio commercials to accompany the print ads.
- Early in her career, Weldon was a successful advertising copywriter.
- In the 1980s, Bel�n became a professional copywriter and producer.
- Copywriters are similar to technical writers and the careers may overlap.
- In 1962, he started working in advertising as a copywriter.
- Sean became a copywriter and now works at an ad agency.
- I could read only,'copywriter holder has given '.
noun.- a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy