
catchphrases meaning in Hindi

catchphrases sentence in Hindi
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  1. The show had a few catchphrases used throughout its entire run.
  2. This dictionary is notable for including current Japanese catchphrases and buzzwords.
  3. The show has many catchphrases that viewers associate with Jack Horkheimer.
  4. One of her catchphrases was " Get built without guilt ".
  5. His trademarks are his bowl-cut hairstyle and nonsense catchphrases.
  6. Much use is made of character catchphrases to elicit audience reaction.
  7. Rick then closes out the scene with one of his catchphrases.
  8. It is an event expressed through catchphrases and keywords . }}
  9. But there's more to influential ads than catchphrases.
  10. The use of many of these catchphrases has declined in recent seasons.

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  1. catchment
  2. catchment area
  3. catchment area treatment
  4. catchment basin
  5. catchphrase
  6. catchwater drain
  7. catchword
  8. catchword entry
  9. catchword index
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