
catchphrase meaning in Hindi

catchphrase sentence in Hindi
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  1. Besides, she said the other major movie catchphrase of 1996.
  2. Bruce Forsyth spoke every sentence as though it was a catchphrase.
  3. His other main catchphrase was " Muttley, do something !"
  4. These " insects " provided him with the catchphrase " Wonders!
  5. Uecker is well known for saying his catchphrase " Get up!
  6. The company is famous for its advertising catchphrase, " Pizza!
  7. The program uses the catchphrase " Moola for Your Schoola ".
  8. The catchphrase has been referenced by many other mainstream comic books.
  9. His main catchphrase on the show is " Holy crap ".
  10. America s catchphrase is  I m the hero ! .


  1. a phrase that has become a catchword

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  2. catchment
  3. catchment area
  4. catchment area treatment
  5. catchment basin
  6. catchphrases
  7. catchwater drain
  8. catchword
  9. catchword entry
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