
yellowness meaning in Hindi

yellowness sentence in Hindi
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  1. Its whiteness made the yellowness of his skin stand out.
  2. Canary yellow does not begin to describe the yellowness of this yellow car.
  3. Three subspecies are recognised, differing chiefly in the yellowness of their underparts.
  4. If it's any consolation, the yellowness varies from plant to plant.
  5. Walking outside was like walking into yellowness.
  6. One dimensional scales for yellowness were created, e . g ., Gardner Color Scale.
  7. Irwin moved onto Westinghouse, which was worse than the standard incandescent ( in terms of yellowness ).
  8. Blackmore observes flowers and asks where resides the experience of them e . g ., their yellowness.
  9. Light which triggers this greenness response more than the yellowness or blueness of the other color opponent mechanism is called green.
  10. Besides the yellowness in the skin of the White Gem, Townsend and Perdue birds, all had unattractive bright yellow fat.


  1. yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons

Related Words

  1. yellowish
  2. yellowish brown
  3. yellowish green
  4. yellowish pink
  5. yellowish pink colour
  6. yellowness of prints
  7. yellownesses
  8. yellowy
  9. yells
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