
wrathful meaning in Hindi

wrathful sentence in Hindi
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  1. Ya gotta love that " wrathful gods " part.
  2. What Steinbeck intended as a " wrathful message of poverty"
  3. She was also described as pretty, difficult and wrathful.
  4. He then fights the wrathful Frollo and both fall from the balcony.
  5. When Ekajati appears to yogins in hagiographies, she is especially wrathful.
  6. Wrathful Bahram strikes a girl with a fatal blow of the sword.
  7. The Old Testament God is not a wrathful judge.
  8. Woe betide he who is perceived to threaten an ailing, wrathful czar.
  9. There was the wrathful, jealous, tribal and proprietal God of Israel.
  10. The epic numerously applauds this composite army as being very fierce and wrathful.


  1. vehemently incensed and condemnatory; "they trembled before the wrathful queen"; "but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation"

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  7. wraths
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