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wrathful meaning in Hindi
wrathful sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Ya gotta love that " wrathful gods " part.
- What Steinbeck intended as a " wrathful message of poverty"
- She was also described as pretty, difficult and wrathful.
- He then fights the wrathful Frollo and both fall from the balcony.
- When Ekajati appears to yogins in hagiographies, she is especially wrathful.
- Wrathful Bahram strikes a girl with a fatal blow of the sword.
- The Old Testament God is not a wrathful judge.
- Woe betide he who is perceived to threaten an ailing, wrathful czar.
- There was the wrathful, jealous, tribal and proprietal God of Israel.
- The epic numerously applauds this composite army as being very fierce and wrathful.
adj.- vehemently incensed and condemnatory; "they trembled before the wrathful queen"; "but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation"