
wheezes meaning in Hindi

wheezes sentence in Hindi
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  1. Or too near someone who crinkles candy wrappers or who wheezes.
  2. They are also given to rhythmic, disturbingly prurient wheezes.
  3. If I breathe out, my nose whistles and my mouth wheezes.
  4. He sings French lyrics in a high voice as the accordion wheezes.
  5. The engine howls, then wheezes, howls and wheezes.
  6. The engine howls, then wheezes, howls and wheezes.
  7. Promen said his lungs are failing and he wheezes frequently.
  8. But it sputters and wheezes the further along it gets.
  9. It coughs and it wheezes and the day remains only dawn and dusk.
  10. Listen : Don't the wheezes _ " Uhh-eee!

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  1. wheelwork
  2. wheelworks
  3. wheelwright
  4. wheeze
  5. wheezed
  6. wheezily
  7. wheeziness
  8. wheezinesses
  9. wheezing
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