Noun • साँस की घरघराहट • चाल | Verb • कष्ट से सांस लेना • जोर जोर से सांस लेना • जोर जोर से साँस लेना • कष्ट से साँस लेना |
wheezes meaning in Hindi
wheezes sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Or too near someone who crinkles candy wrappers or who wheezes.
- They are also given to rhythmic, disturbingly prurient wheezes.
- If I breathe out, my nose whistles and my mouth wheezes.
- He sings French lyrics in a high voice as the accordion wheezes.
- The engine howls, then wheezes, howls and wheezes.
- The engine howls, then wheezes, howls and wheezes.
- Promen said his lungs are failing and he wheezes frequently.
- But it sputters and wheezes the further along it gets.
- It coughs and it wheezes and the day remains only dawn and dusk.
- Listen : Don't the wheezes _ " Uhh-eee!