
wheeler meaning in Hindi

wheeler sentence in Hindi
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  1. This three wheeler is a good aid to come and go.
    ये तिपहिया सवारी जाने आने का उपयुक्त साधन हैं।
  2. This three wheeler is the useful mode for up and down transportation.
    ये तिपहिया सवारी जाने आने का उपयुक्त साधन हैं।
  3. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Poet)
    - एल्ला व्हीलर विलकौक्स (कवयित्री)
  4. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
    - एला व्हीलर विलकोक्स
  5. Wheeler Island (India)
    व्हीलर द्वीप


  1. a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
  2. a person who rides a bicycle
    synonyms:, ,
  3. the man at the outermost end of the rank in wheeling
  4. someone who makes and repairs wooden wheels

Related Words

  1. wheeled
  2. wheeled carriage
  3. wheeled chasis
  4. wheeled traffic
  5. wheeled vehicle
  6. wheeler dealer
  7. wheeler kanyon method
  8. wheeler peak
  9. wheeler-dealer
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