
unattractive meaning in Hindi

unattractive sentence in Hindi
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  1. VSS is made further unattractive because there has n't been a pay revision since 1987 .
    वीएसएस में इसलिए भी किसी की दिलचस्पी नहीं है कि 1987 से वेतनमान में संशोधन नहीं हा है .
  2. Thus has the AKP thrown down the gauntlet, leaving the military leadership basically with two unattractive options: (1) continue selectively to acquiesce to the AKP and hope that fair elections by 2011 will terminate and reverse this process; or (2) stage a coup d'état , risking voter backlash and increased Islamist electoral strength.
    तो क्या एकेपी ने पासा फेंक दिया है और सैन्य नेतृत्त्व के समक्ष दो अरुचिकर विकल्प छोडे हैं: (1) देखभाल कर एकेपी के साथ सहयोग करते रहें और यह आशा रखें कि वर्ष 2011 के चुनावों में इन्हें पराजय मिलेगी और यह प्रकिया बदल जायेगी। या फिर (2) या फिर सत्तापलट कर दें और मतों के प्रतिक्रियावादी होने का जोखिम लें ताकि इस्लामवादी चुनावी रूप से और मजबूत हो जायें।
  3. Israeli officials distinguish between UNRWA's negative political role and its more positive role as a social service agency providing assistance, primarily medical and educational. They appreciate that UNRWA, with funds provided by foreign governments, helps one-third of the population in the West Bank and three-quarters in Gaza. Without these funds, Israel could face an explosive situation on its borders and international demands that it, depicted as the “occupying power,” assume the burden of care for these populations. In the extreme case, the Israel Defense Forces would have to enter hostile areas to oversee the running of schools and hospitals, for which the Israeli taxpayer would have to foot the bill - a most unattractive prospect.
    जैसा कि अत्यंत जानकार इजरायली अधिकारी ने इसे इस प्रकार कहा है, संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ सहायता और कार्य एजेंसी ने “ फिलीस्तीन की नागरिक जनसंख्या को मानवीय सहायता प्रदान करने में मुख्य भूमिका निभाई है” और इसे जारी रहना चाहिये।
  4. For the outside world, the choice is clear; however unattractive, the Saudi monarchy is preferable to the yet worse Ikhwan alternative. This implies a two-step approach: help the monarchy defeat its Ikhwan-inspired enemy and put serious pressure on the kingdom to reform everything from its school system to its sponsorship of Wahhabi organizations abroad. Related Topics: Radical Islam , Saudi Arabia , Terrorism receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
    बाहरी विश्व के लिए विकल्प स्पष्ट है - सउदी राजशाही अनाकर्षक होते हुए भी इखवान के बुरे विकल्प से श्रेष्ठ है। इसमें दो चरणवद्ध कदम अतर्निहितहैं - इखवान प्रेरित सेना को परास्त करने के लिए राजशाही की सहायता की जाये और इस पर गम्भीर दबाव डाला जाये कि वह अपने विद्यालय पद्धति से विदेशों में वहाबी संगठनों को प्रायोजित करने तक सब कुछ सुधारे।
  5. As the American columnist Dennis Prager sums them up, “It is difficult to imagine any other future scenario for Western Europe than its becoming Islamicized or having a civil war.” Indeed, these two deeply unattractive alternative paths appear to define Europe's choices, with powerful forces pulling in the contrary directions of Muslims taking over or Muslims rejected, Europe an extension of North Africa or in a state of quasi-civil war. Which will it be? The decisive events that will resolve this question have yet to take place, so one cannot yet make the call. Decision-time is fast approaching, however. Within the next decade or so, today's flux will end, the Europe-Islam equation will harden, and the continent's future course should become apparent.
    परन्तु इस बात की अधिक सम्भावना है कि मुसलमानों के साथ इस समस्या का हल शान्तिपूर्ण ढ़ंग से हो जायेगा और विशेषकर यह देखते हुये कि हाल के आतंकवाद और डराने क्रम में शुरूआत किसकी ओर से हुई है। अनेक जनमत सर्वेक्षणों से स्पष्ट है कि ब्रिटेन के 5 प्रतिशत मुसलमान 7 जुलाई को हुये बम विस्फोट को न्यायसंगत मानते हैं। यदि यह घटित होता है तो इसी मात्रा में यूरोप से उत्तर की अपेक्षा नहीं की जा सकती।


  1. lacking beauty or charm; "as unattractive as most mining regions"
  1. lacking power to arouse interest; "being unemployed is a most unattractive prospect"
  2. not appealing to the senses; "untempting food"

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  1. unattended
  2. unattended mode
  3. unattended operation
  4. unattested
  5. unattired
  6. unattractively
  7. unattributable
  8. unaudited
  9. unauthentic
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