
tiger salamander meaning in Hindi

tiger salamander sentence in Hindi
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  1. Previously only tiger salamanders in Sonoma and Santa Barbara counties were protected.
  2. One species, the tiger salamander, is on the federal endangered species list.
  3. The California tiger salamander is a relatively large, secretive amphibian endemic to California.
  4. Ephemeral wetlands degradation and western spadefoot toad and California tiger salamander.
  5. Reptiles include the short-horned lizard, side-blotched lizard, striped whipsnake, and the tiger salamander.
  6. Large-scale captive breeding of tiger salamanders has not been accomplished, for unknown reasons.
  7. The California tiger salamander has brown protruding eyes with black irises.
  8. The endangered tiger salamander, along with other amphibians lay eggs and rear tadpoles.
  9. The axolotl is also a relative of the tiger salamander.
  10. Amphibians included the barred tiger salamander and California tree frog.


  1. widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches

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