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tessellated meaning in Hindi
tessellated sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- The tesseract, along with all hypercubes, tessellates Euclidean space.
- The tessellated pavement was acquired for the British Museum in 1899.
- In 1818 a tessellated pavement and other Roman remains were discovered.
- Infinite forms can be extended to tessellate a hyperbolic space.
- The origin of this type of tessellated pavement remains uncertain.
- The bark is tessellated, flaky and brownish in colour.
- Plates are tabular ossicles that fit neatly together in a tessellated manner.
- It has a tiled central mosaic pavement with tessellated border.
- In winter, rust-colored leaves from birch trees tessellate the snow.
- A zero angle defect tessellates space of the same dimension as the facets.
adj.- decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic; "a tessellated pavement"
- having a checkered or mottled appearance