• कर से छूट • कर-मुक्त अवधि • करावकाश | |
tax: चुंगी टैक्स दाम | |
holiday: छुट्टी त्यौहार | |
tax holiday meaning in Hindi
tax holiday sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- The payroll tax holiday, of course, solves nothing in the long run.
- Parent Bonnie Carver backs the idea of a school sales tax holiday.
- And the sales tax holiday is no big deal to many Texans.
- 12-Yr Tax Holiday Is Key To Direct Investment : PEZA, BUSINESS DAILY
- BOI incentives include income tax holiday ranging from four to six years.
- Analysts say the tax holidays are hard for political leaders to resist.
- Thomas dropped a short-term tax holiday for companies accumulating earnings overseas.
- Olson said the Bush administration also questioned the fairness of the tax holiday.
- One city, Sunset Valley outside Austin, opted out of the sales tax holiday.
- Options include extending unemployment benefits and granting a " payroll tax holiday ."