Noun • अल्पकरदायी देश | |
tax: चुंगी टैक्स दाम | |
haven: बंदरगाह बन्दरगाह | |
tax haven meaning in Hindi
tax haven sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Ted Turner is packing his bags for the tax haven of Florida.
- According to that, there are only three tax havens in the world!
- Putting your money into offshore tax havens just has too many minefields.
- The Council of Europe also decided to issue reports naming tax havens.
- The vision probably never included a flight to an offshore tax haven.
- In July, the OECD released a list of 35 alleged tax havens.
- Tax havens are not the only way tiny islands bolster their economies.
- The dollar is king of the world again _ think tax havens.
- Various countries claim to be the oldest tax haven in the world.
- They also opened accounts in the Channel Islands, a tax haven.
noun.- a country or independent region where taxes are low