
shutter meaning in Hindi

[ 'ʃʌtə ] sound:
shutter sentence in Hindi
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  1. He screwed his eyes up in the sun , pleased with his place in the world , and the shutter clicked .
    वह अपने से कितना सन्तुष्ट था , धूप में आँख दबाकर उसने कैमरे का शटर दबा दिया ।
  2. The child would sprawl within its closed shutters safe from all prying eyes and give full rein to his fancy .
    उस पालकी के बंद पल्लों के भीतर सुरक्षित दूसरों की पैनी दृष्टि से बचकर , वह बालक अपनी कल्पनाओं को बेलगाम छोड़ देता था .
  3. A kindly shopkeeper dragged her into his shop and pulled the shutters down but the gunfire frightened the little girl who started crying .
    एक दुकानदार ने उसे दुकान में खींच लिया और दरवाजा बंद कर लिया लेकिन गोलियों की आवाज से आतंकित बच्ची रोने लगी .
  4. Holding her breath , keeping her back to the wall and the shuttered shop fronts , she crept towards the corner of the street .
    अपनी साँस रोके , दीवार और दुकानों के बन्द दरवाज़े से अपनी पीठ सटाकर वह गली के नुक्कड़ तक धीरे - धीरे खिसकती गई । दो या तीन क़दम और … सिर्फ़ एक कदम का फ़ासला …
  5. Through the Venetian shutters of the window he would gaze below and be absorbed in watching the antics of the various bathers , each with his peculiar ritual , and the giant banyan ' tree and the play of shadows round its base .
    खिड़की की झिलमिली से वह नीचे देखा करता.पोखर में नहाने वालों की तरह तरह की हरकतें निहारता रहता.उनमें से हर एक के अजीब हाव-भाव और उस विशाल बरगद की गोलाकार चबूतरे के साथ आंख मिचौनी खेलती छायाएं .
  6. Tom Lantos, the ranking Democratic member on that same committee, goes further. Criticizing the “privileged and prolonged manner” of dealing with Palestinian refugees, he calls for shuttering UNRWA and transferring its responsibilities to the High Commission. Other Western governments should join with Washington to solve the Palestinian refugee problem by withholding authorization for UNRWA when it next comes up for renewal in June 2005. Now is the time to lay the groundwork to eliminate this malign institution, its mischievous definition, and its monstrous works.
    संयुक्त राष्ट्र उच्चायुक्त की परिभाषा के अनुसार शरणार्थी स्तर 7 लाख 26 हजार अभी जीवित लोगों को ही प्राप्त होता है। एक भूजनांकिकी विशेषज्ञ के अनुसार 1948 के उन शरणार्थियों में 2 लाख के आस-पास ही लोग आज जीवित हैं।
  7. Powell again and again insisted that Assad not just mouth the right words but really shutter the offices of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command: “It's performance that we'll be looking at in the days and weeks and months ahead.” Powell had warned Assad of “consequences” should he ignore the U.S. demands. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reiterated this message: “Words are one thing, actions are another.”
    पावेल ने बार-बार इस बात पर जोर दिया कि असद ने न केवल मुँह से अच्छे शब्द निकाले हैं वरन् वास्तव में हमास, फिलीस्तीनी इस्लामिक जिहाद तथा पापुलर फ्रान्ट फार द लिबरेशन ऑफ फिलीस्तीन जनरल कमान के कार्यालयों को बन्द भी किया है। और “इसके प्रदर्शन को आने वाले महीनों और सप्ताहों में हम देखेंगे ”। पावेल ने अमेरिकी माँग की अनसुनी करने पर असद को ‘खामियाजा ' भुगतने की चेतावनी भी दी। रक्षा सचिव डोनाल्ड रम्सफेल्ड ने भी इस संदेश को दुहराया “ शब्द अपनी जगह है और कार्य अपनी जगह ''।
  8. Afterward, when the world was exploding around him and the lethal blackbirds were massing on the climbing frame in the school courtyard, he felt annoyed with himself for forgotting the name of the BBC reporter, a woman, who had told him that his old life was over and a new, darker existence was about to begin. She called him at home, on his private line, without explaining how she got the number. “How does it feel,” she asked him, “to know that you have just been sentenced to death by the Ayatollah Khomeini?” It was a sunny Tuesday in London but the question shut out the light. This is what he said, without really knowing what he was saying: “It doesn't feel good.” This is what he thought: I'm a dead man . He wondered how many days he had left, and thought the answer was probably a single-digit number. He put down the telephone and ran down the stairs from his workroom at the top of the narrow Islington row house where he lived. The living-room windows had wooden shutters and, absurdly, he closed and barred them. Then he locked the front door. Also of interest is his confirming my speculation in The Rushdie Affair that he got the idea for the title while studying about Islam at the university: “He was in his second year of reading history at Cambridge when he learned about the Satanic Verses .” Comment on this item
    पश्चिम की कमजोरी ने इस्लामी उभार को शक्ति दी है। पश्चिमी संस्कृति की रक्षा करने वाले न केवल इस्लामवादियों से लडें वरन बहुसंस्कृतिवाद से भी लडें जो कि उन्हें सशक्त कर रहे हैं और वामपंथियों के साथ गठबन्धन कर रहे हैं।


  1. a hinged blind for a window
  2. a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure
  1. close with shutters; "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"

Related Words

  1. shut-in
  2. shut-in personality
  3. shut-off member
  4. shutdown
  5. shuting out
  6. shutter control
  7. shutter release
  8. shutter speed
  9. shutter test
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