
shoulder meaning in Hindi

[ 'ʃəuldə ] sound:
shoulder sentence in Hindi
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  1. Helplessly they shrugged their shoulders .
    फिर असहाय - भाव से दोनों ने अपने कन्धे सिकोड़ लिये ।
  2. He took her by the shoulder and shook her gently .
    उसके कन्धे पकड़कर उसने उसे धीरे से हिलाया -
  3. He avoided her eyes and shrugged his shoulders .
    उसकी नज़रों से अपने को बचाते हुए उसने कन्धे सिकोड़ लिये ।
  4. He sprang towards her and caught her by the shoulders with grim force .
    उसने अचानक लपककर उसके कन्घे पकड़ लिये - बहुत कसकर ।
  5. He carried two dead hawks over his shoulder .
    उसके कंधों पर दो मरी हुई चीलें लटकी थीं ।
  6. He shrugged his shoulders helplessly and closed his book .
    उन्होंने अवश भाव से कन्धे सिकोड़ लिये और किताब बन्द कर दी ।
  7. The height of the new-born elephant is about 90 centimetres at the shoulder .
    नवजात हाथी की कन्धे तक की ऊंचाई 90 सेण्टीमीटर होती है .
  8. you will realize the pain in this shoulder.
    और आपको अपने कंधे में दर्द महसूस होगा ।
  9. They turn then, shoulder to shoulder, and walk away,
    और फिर वो दोनों घूमते हैं, कंधे से कन्धा मिलाये, और चले जाते हैं,
  10. They turn then, shoulder to shoulder, and walk away,
    और फिर वो दोनों घूमते हैं, कंधे से कन्धा मिलाये, और चले जाते हैं,


  1. a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road; "the car pulled off onto the shoulder"
  2. the part of a garment that covers or fits over the shoulder; "an ornamental gold braid on the shoulder of his uniform"
  3. the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm
  4. a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
  5. a cut of meat including the upper joint of the foreleg
  1. push with the shoulders; "He shouldered his way into the crowd"
  2. carry a burden, either real or metaphoric; "shoulder the burden"
  3. lift onto one''s shoulders

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  1. shotty gold
  2. should
  3. should be given top priority
  4. should be taken in hand at once
  5. should be transposed to another place
  6. shoulder arms
  7. shoulder bag
  8. shoulder belt
  9. shoulder blade
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