
sextuplets meaning in Hindi

sextuplets sentence in Hindi
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  1. Headrick's sextuplets resulted from fertility drugs used last summer.
  2. It is not known if there are infinitely many prime sextuplets.
  3. The trick to raising sextuplets is to remember you're outnumbered.
  4. None of her 5-year-old sextuplets shed a tear.
  5. Experts say odds of a sextuplet pregnancy occurring naturally are infinitesimally small.
  6. Less than a dozen cases of living sextuplets are known to exist.
  7. The biggest was sextuplets born in Monterrey in June 1996.
  8. A woman in China last week gave birth to sextuplets.
  9. At least 10 sets of sextuplets were born worldwide between 1969 and 1977.
  10. Mrs . Haner said at the sextuplet's birthday party last week.

Related Words

  1. sextis horis
  2. sexton
  3. sextons
  4. sextuple
  5. sextuplet
  6. sextuplicate
  7. sexual
  8. sexual - changed sexual behaviour
  9. sexual aberration
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