भयानकता sentence in Hindi
pronunciation: [ bheyaanektaa ]
"भयानकता" meaning in English "भयानकता" meaning in Hindi
- Even worse, in 1997 when an Israeli woman distributed a poster of Muhammad as a pig , the American government shamefully abandoned its protection of free speech. On behalf of President Bill Clinton, State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns called the woman in question “either sick or … evil” and stated that “She deserves to be put on trial for these outrageous attacks on Islam.” The State Department endorses a criminal trial for protected speech? Stranger yet was the context of this outburst. As I noted at the time , having combed through weeks of State Department briefings, I “found nothing approaching this vituperative language in reference to the horrors that took place in Rwanda, where hundreds of thousands lost their lives. To the contrary, Mr. Burns was throughout cautious and diplomatic.”
आपराधिक मुकदमे की सहमति दे दी. इससे भी आश्चर्यजनक इस प्रकरण पर गुस्से का प्रसंग था . राज्य विभाग की अनेक सप्ताहों की प्रेस ब्रीफिंग को देखते हुए मुझे कभी नहीं लगा कि इसी प्रकार की गाली गलौज वाली भाषा का इस्तेमाल रवांडा की भयानकता के संदर्भ में हुआ हो जहां सैक़डों और हजारों लोगों ने अपनी जान गंवा दी . इसके विपरीत पूरे समय तक बर्न काफी सतर्क और कूटनीतिक बने रहे.