
yard measure sentence in Hindi

"yard measure" meaning in Hindi  yard measure in a sentence  


  1. The yard measures 4 miles in length and 1 mile in width with a north-south orientation.
  2. The mosque s yard measures 61?7 m, and the roof arch of the southern prayer all has a height of approximately 17 m.
  3. The debtors'section consisted of a brick barracks, a yard measuring, a kitchen, a public room, and a tap room or snuggery, where debtors could drink as much beer as they wanted, at fivepence a pot in 1815.
  4. A private house in this neighbourhood rented at 4 a week was pointed out to me because its inmates had suffered a good deal of sickness, scarlet fever, measles, etc . Here in the back yard measuring about 10 ft by 5 ft I found that the privy was only separated from the scullery by a wall four and a half inches thick and that it stood nine inches higher than the scullery floor.
  5. An alternative reading from Liber Horn ( as published in " Statutes of the Realm " ) states : " And be it remembered that the iron yard of our Lord the King containeth 3 feet and no more, and a foot ought to contain 12 inches by the right measure of this yard measured, to wit, the 36th part of this yard rightly measured maketh 1 inch neither more nor less and 5 yards and a half make a perch that is 16 feet and a half measured by the aforesaid yard of our Lord the King ."

Related Words

  1. yard
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  3. yard foreman
  4. yard inspector
  5. yard master
  6. yard plan
  7. yard sale
  8. yard stick
  9. yardage
  10. yardages
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