
teacher educator sentence in Hindi

"teacher educator" meaning in Hindi  teacher educator in a sentence  


  1. All four are teacher educators at the University of East London.
  2. She also served as Regional Teacher Educator in Finnish from 1976 to 1983.
  3. In 2000 he received the Association of Teacher Educators Distinguished Teacher Educator Award.
  4. In 2000 he received the Association of Teacher Educators Distinguished Teacher Educator Award.
  5. Many writers advocate for teacher educators themselves to act as models of reflective practice.
  6. Alvermann is a researcher and teacher educator as she has published over 100 articles.
  7. In 2003, she received the California Council on Teacher Education Distinguished Teacher Educator Award.
  8. Not every culture has a concept that precisely matches the English term'teacher educator '.
  9. The implication of all this is that teacher educators must also be highly skilled in reflective practice.
  10. Teacher educators shape the minds of future citizens of the country and therefore future of the country.
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  6. teacher expectation
  7. teacherless
  8. teaching
  9. teaching aids
  10. teaching assistant
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