
phospholipid sentence in Hindi

"phospholipid" meaning in Hindi  phospholipid in a sentence  


  1. At the bottom is the common phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine . ]]
  2. Biological membranes typically include several types of molecules other than phospholipids.
  3. These negatively charged phospholipids are recognized by phagocytes such as macrophages.
  4. These enzymes are responsible for fast turnover rates of cellular phospholipids.
  5. This protein kinase is calcium-independent and phospholipid-dependent.
  6. This kinase can be activated by phospholipids and by limited proteolysis.
  7. Chemically, phosphatidylethanols are phospholipids carrying two fatty acid ethyl ester.
  8. LPE is present as a minor phospholipid in the cell membrane.
  9. Anionic phospholipids and fatty acids are likely to be natural substrates.
  10. Sterols contribute to membrane fluidity by hindering the packing together of phospholipids.
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