
eubacteriales sentence in Hindi

"eubacteriales" meaning in Hindi  eubacteriales in a sentence  


  1. Bisset distinguished 1 class and 4 orders : Eubacteriales, Actinomycetales, Streptomycetales, and Flexibacteriales.
  2. Bergey et al presented a classification which generally followed the 1920 Final Report of the SAB ( Society of American Bacteriologists ) Committee ( Winslow et al ), which divided Class Schizomycetes into 4 orders : Myxobacteriales, Thiobacteriales, Chlamydobacteriales, and Eubacteriales, with a 5th group being 4 genera considered intermediate between bacteria and protozoans : " Spirocheta, Cristospira, Saprospira, " and " Treponema ."
  3. J Bacteriol 42 : 437-466 ) recognized the Kingdom Monera with 2 phyla, Myxophyta and Schizomycetae, the latter comprising classes Eubacteriae ( 3 orders ), Myxobacteriae ( 1 order ), and Spirochetae ( 1 order ); Bisset ( 1962, Bacteria, 2nd ed ., Livingston, London ) distinguished 1 class and 4 orders : Eubacteriales, Actinomycetales, Streptomycetales, and Flexibacteriales; Orla-Jensen ( 1909, Die Hauptlinien des naturalischen Bakteriensystems nebst einer Ubersicht der Garungsphenomene.

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