
ettringite sentence in Hindi

"ettringite" meaning in Hindi  ettringite in a sentence  


  1. It occurs in association with afwillite, calcite, larnite, spurrite, halite, brownmillerite, hydrocalumite, mayenite and ettringite.
  2. For example, it is reported that copper immobilization at high pH can be achieved through formation of CSH / CAH and ettringite.
  3. In the presence of anionic groups such as sulphate, carbonate or chloride, AFm phases and AFt or ettringite phases can form.
  4. Upon analyzing the structure of both ettringite and thaumasite, it was deduced that both minerals have hexagonal structures, but different space groups.
  5. N'Chwaning is known to produce high-quality mineral specimens of rhodochrosite, manganite, ettringite, inesite, jouravskite and other minerals.
  6. Hydration produces ettringite, and specialized physical properties ( such as expansion or rapid reaction ) are obtained by adjustment of the availability of calcium and sulfate ions.
  7. Ettringite crystal system is trigonal, crystals are elongated and in a needle like shape, occurrence of disorder or twining is common, which affects the intercolumn material.
  8. When the ratio is intermediate, only a portion of the ettringite converts to AFm and both can coexist, while ettringite is unlikely to convert to AFm at high ratios.
  9. When the ratio is intermediate, only a portion of the ettringite converts to AFm and both can coexist, while ettringite is unlikely to convert to AFm at high ratios.
  10. Minerals associated with brownmillerite in the Mayen locality include calcite, ettringite, wollastonite, larnite, mayenite, gehlenite, diopside, pyrrhotite, grossular, spinel, afwillite, jennite, portlandite and jasmundite.
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