
consummation sentence in Hindi

"consummation" meaning in Hindi  consummation in a sentence  


  1. When does this happy consummation take place ?
    यह खुशी की बात कब पूरी होगी ?
  2. What higher consummation can life attain than peaceful self-immolation at the alter of one 's Cause ? . .. . . ”
    . . . लक्ष्यवेदी पर शांतिपूर्ण आत्मबलिदान से बढ़कर उसके जीवन की परमगति क़्या हो सकती है ?

Related Words

  1. consumer research
  2. consumerism
  3. consumerist
  4. consuming
  5. consummate
  6. consummation of marriage
  7. consumption
  8. consumption credit
  9. consumption expenditure
  10. consumption unit
PC Version
हिंदी संस्करण

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