
baskerville sentence in Hindi

"baskerville" meaning in Hindi  baskerville in a sentence  


  1. Who's the only Baskerville you ever heard tell of?
  2. Born in Chicago, Baskerville was the eldest of seven children.
  3. Stephen Baskerville is a leader of the fathers'rights movement.
  4. It was printed by the famous Birmingham printer, John Baskerville.
  5. The scenes at Baskerville were filmed at a number of locations.
  6. Baskerville collapsed in the street after lunching with friends, Varner said.
  7. Baskerville has past arrests for burglary and criminal trespass, Pentangelo said.
  8. They currently compete in the Albert Baskerville Trophy as the Northern Swords.
  9. A heliport operated adjacent to Baskerville House in the 1950s.
  10. Tabriz fell to the besiegers five days after Baskerville's death.
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