
associated mineral sentence in Hindi

"associated mineral" meaning in Hindi  associated mineral in a sentence  


  1. Associated minerals include stoiberite, shcherbinaite, bannermanite, fingerite, mcbirneyite, blossite, chalcocyanite and chalcanthite.
  2. Associated minerals include quartz, chalcedony, pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and calcite.
  3. Associated minerals include spessartine, tephroite, alleghanyite, hausmannite, pyrophanite, alabandite, rhodonite and rhodochrosite.
  4. Associated minerals include antlerite, molybdenite, powellite, brochantite, chrysocolla, iron oxides and quartz.
  5. Associated minerals include melanterite, epsomite, jarosite, gypsum, sulfur, pyrite, marcasite and limonite.
  6. Associated minerals include thenardite, euchlorine, stoiberite, shcherbinaite, ziesite, bannermanite, chalcocyanite and chalcanthite.
  7. Associated minerals include monazite, bastnasite, xenotime, thorite, zircon, apatite, rutile and hematite.
  8. Typical associated minerals include hausmannite, galaxite, braunite, pyrolusite, coronadite, hematite and magnetite.
  9. Associated minerals include cassiterite, scheelite, bismuth, quartz, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and arsenopyrite.
  10. Associated minerals include brucite, hydromagnesite, pyroaurite, chrysotile, aragonite, calcite, dolomite and magnesite.
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