
scatty meaning in Hindi

scatty sentence in Hindi
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  1. Grill-ty as charred . _ www . scatty . com
  2. Pickle it gently . _ www . scatty . com
  3. "She's prepared to play the scatty old lady,"
  4. I play a very kind of scatty person, but it's well received.
  5. In a few broad strokes she convincingly paints a heroine both brainy and charmingly scatty.
  6. So bookmark a place called Scatty's Place at www . scatty . com /.
  7. So bookmark a place called Scatty's Place at www . scatty . com /.
  8. Next morning, Lugg and Scatty leave early in the new car, laden with radio equipment.
  9. Felicity Kendal played the scatty, snobbish Aunt Helena Cuthbertson, with Paul Eddington as her husband Richard.
  10. But instead of a scatty, funny Whoopi, it's the clenched Whoopi of unhallowed Oscarcast memory.


  1. lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"
    synonyms:, ,
  2. lacking sense or discretion; "his rattlebrained crackpot ideas"; "how rattlepated I am! I''ve forgotten what I came for"- Glenway Westcott
    synonyms:, ,

Related Words

  1. scatterrer
  2. scatters
  3. scattier
  4. scattiest
  5. scattred huts
  6. scaumenacia
  7. scauper
  8. scaur
  9. scavengable radical
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