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scatty meaning in Hindi
scatty sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- Grill-ty as charred . _ www . scatty . com
- Pickle it gently . _ www . scatty . com
- "She's prepared to play the scatty old lady,"
- I play a very kind of scatty person, but it's well received.
- In a few broad strokes she convincingly paints a heroine both brainy and charmingly scatty.
- So bookmark a place called Scatty's Place at www . scatty . com /.
- So bookmark a place called Scatty's Place at www . scatty . com /.
- Next morning, Lugg and Scatty leave early in the new car, laden with radio equipment.
- Felicity Kendal played the scatty, snobbish Aunt Helena Cuthbertson, with Paul Eddington as her husband Richard.
- But instead of a scatty, funny Whoopi, it's the clenched Whoopi of unhallowed Oscarcast memory.
adj.- lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"
synonyms:, , - lacking sense or discretion; "his rattlebrained crackpot ideas"; "how rattlepated I am! I''ve forgotten what I came for"- Glenway Westcott
synonyms:, ,