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rostellum meaning in Hindi
rostellum sentence in HindiExamples
More: Next- The rostellum remains invaginated in the apex of the organ.
- The stigma, separated by the rostellum.
- The scolex bears a retractable rostellum armed with a single circle of 20 to 30 hooks.
- In addition the protoscolex of rostellum, while that of " T . saginata " has only an apical pit.
- Sometimes there is a small extension or little beak to the median stigma lobe, called "'rostellum " '.
- It is a non-viscid band or strap connecting the pollinia with the viscidium ( the viscid part of the rostellum or beak ).
- "R . tetragona " is the largest among rostellum, which is armed with 100 minute hooks, arranged in single row.
- Each worm has a scolex, which is an anterior head segment with a single row of 20-30 retractable hooks ( rostellum ).
- Their scolex does not have hooked rostellum like the " H . nana " species but they do have similar unilateral genital pores and 3 testes per proglottid.
- The body size is small, scolex is disproportionately large and uniquely shaped, rostellum is wide, and it employs beetles as intermediate host to complete its life cycle.