
pronouncements meaning in Hindi

pronouncements sentence in Hindi
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  1. His confused and contradictory pronouncements made him a suspect in Indian political circles as also among a large section of Kashmiris .
    उनकी भ्रामक , अंतर्विरोधी घोषणाओं ने उन्हें भारतीय राजनीति खेमों में ही नहीं कश्मीरियों के एक बड़े वर्ग में भी संदिग़्ध बना दिया था .
  2. Second, how do we judge the discrepancy between what Arab leaders tell Western interlocutors sotto voce and what they roar to their masses? Looking at patterns from the 1930s onwards, I noted in a 1993 survey that whispers matter less than shouts: “Public pronouncements count more than private communications. Neither provides an infallible guide, for politicians lie in both public and private, but the former predict actions better than the latter.”
    लेकिन क्या ऐसा है? इस पर संदेह करने के दो कारण हैं।
  3. Leading French politicians made some remarkably defeatist pronouncements last week. Rejecting any U.S. military action against Iraq, President Jacques Chirac said that “War is always the admission of defeat, and is always the worst of solutions. And hence everything must be done to avoid it.” Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin put it more emphatically: “Nothing justifies envisaging military action.” To all this, the German chancellor beamed with approval.
    इसकी प्रतिक्रिया में अमेरिका के रक्षा सचिव डोनाल्ड रम्सफेल्ड ने फ्रांस और जर्मनी को
  4. How can we consider peace moves when Pakistan 's unofficial soldiers are busy -LRB- despite our cease-fire pronouncements -RRB- trying not just to assassinate a chief minister but even blow up the Red Fort in Delhi ?
    पाकिस्तान के गैर-सरकारी सैनिक ( हमारी संघर्ष विराम की घोषणा के बावजूद ) जब न सिर्फ एक मुयमंत्री की हत्या बल्कि दिल्ली में लल किल उड़ने की कोशिशों में भी लगे हैं तो हम शांति की बात कैसे सोच सकते हैं ?
  5. It says , ' In considering the articles in question in the light of the above judicial pronouncements , it is necessary to remember the words of Fitzgerald J . in Reg . vs . Sullivan that they should be dealt with in a fair and liberal spirit , not picking out an objectionable sentence here or a strong word there or giving an undue importance to inflated and turbid language but looking at the real intention and spirit of the article ' .
    उसमें कहा गया है- ' उपरोक़्त न्यायिक घोषणाओं के सदंर्भ में विचाराधीन लेखों पर विचार करते हुए रेग बनाम सुलीवान के मुकदमे में न्यायाधीश फिजगेराल्ड के शब्दों को याद रखना चाहिए कि इन्हें निष्पक्ष और उदार दृष्टिकोण से देखा जाये ; यहां-वहां से कोई एक आपत्तिजनक वाक़्य या शब्द उठाकर नहीं.और , आंडबरपूर्ण तथा अस्पष्ट भाषा को अवांछनीय महत्व दिये बगैर लेख के असली मंतव्य और मूल चेतना को देखा जाये ' .

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