
professional code meaning in Hindi

professional code sentence in Hindi
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  1. The Act further prescribes a Professional Code of Conduct for registered planners
  2. Professional codes of ethics were also established for this profession.
  3. Students are also required to subscribe to a set of professional code of ethics.
  4. Researchers are expected to adhere to professional codes of ethics.
  5. School Counselors are expected to follow a professional code of ethics in many countries.
  6. The second way of encoding is the professional code.
  7. The state said the state Penal Code took precedence over the Business and Professional Code.
  8. Intentional deceit and anonymous or incognito activities are breaches of professional codes of conduct ."
  9. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries sets examinations, continuing professional development, professional codes and disciplinary standards.
  10. Its activities include professional continuing education, accreditation, and maintaining a professional code of conduct for its members.

Related Words

  1. professional approach
  2. professional attainment
  3. professional auditors
  4. professional capacity
  5. professional charge
  6. professional code of ethics
  7. professional communication
  8. professional course
  9. professional criminal
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