
pees meaning in Hindi

pees sentence in Hindi
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  1. If he looks like Pee Wee Herman, forget about it.
  2. As a matter of fact, I wanted Pee Wee Herman.
  3. He's like Pee-wee Herman in nuclear meltdown.
  4. He got into more fights than either Pee Wee or me.
  5. For the record, the correct pronounciation is Tem-PEE.
  6. "Don't pee in the snow,"
  7. Not in Pee Wee leagues, high school, minor leagues.
  8. "We're going to have a Pee Scale.
  9. He's up to a nine on the Pee Scale.
  10. With one added admonition : Don't pee your pants.

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  7. peeve
  8. peeved
  9. peevish
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