
ossicles meaning in Hindi

ossicles sentence in Hindi
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  1. The ossicles help amplify sound waves by nearly 15 20 times.
  2. Other ossicles include spines, tubercles, small scales and vertebrae.
  3. His phonautograph was constructed as an ear canal, eardrum and ossicles.
  4. The larger plates of all body parts were connected by small ossicles.
  5. They also function in growth and repair of the ossicles.
  6. The skeleton is composed of many calcareous ossicles and spicules.
  7. The ossicles prevent slipping by providing friction with the substrate.
  8. The ossicles from which the stem is composed are known as columnals.
  9. Plates are tabular ossicles that fit neatly together in a tessellated manner.
  10. Other ossicles that may be present include pedicellariae and paxillae.

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  2. osseous tissue
  3. osset people
  4. ossia
  5. ossicle
  6. ossicular
  7. ossicular fixation
  8. ossicule
  9. ossiferous
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