
ornamentalist meaning in Hindi

ornamentalist sentence in Hindi
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  1. In 1803-1804 for the Certosa of Bologna, he helped decorate and design the funeral monument to Carlo Mondini, working alongside the ornamentalist Petronio Rizzi.
  2. Brooks formulated these guidelines in reaction to ornamentalist theories of poetry, to the common practice of critics going outside the poem ( to historical or biographical contexts ), and his and Warren's frustration with trying to teach college students to analyze poetry and literature ( Leitch 2001 ).


  1. someone who decorates

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  1. ornamental house
  2. ornamental niche
  3. ornamental pond
  4. ornamental tree
  5. ornamental wall
  6. ornamentals
  7. ornamentation
  8. ornamented
  9. ornamenting
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