
yellowness sentence in Hindi

"yellowness" meaning in Hindi  yellowness in a sentence  


  1. Further steps of the alchemical opus include such images as albedo ( whiteness ), citrinitas ( yellowness ), and rubedo ( redness ).
  2. The yellowness of the transparent liquid is determined by pouring the sample into a tube and comparing it to a pre determined and known standard.
  3. Using BPO results in a polymer that has a higher yellowness index, and the peroxide takes longer to dissolve into ADC at room temperature than IPP.
  4. :The yellowness of the lens blocks shorter wavelengths which the retina would otherwise be able to see, but which would make the chromatic aberration worse.
  5. The three alchemical stages preceding rubedo were nigredo ( blackness ) which represented putrefication and spiritual death, albedo ( whiteness ) which represented purification, and citrinitas ( yellowness ); the solar dawn or awakening.
  6. Conjugated bilirubin is detected in urine at bilirubinemia of approximately 30-34 mmol / l or 20 mg / L . In this concentration of conjugated bilirubin in the blood appears yellowness of the mucous membranes and sclera.
  7. Today, cotton is classed based on its measurements for fiber length, strength and length, micronaire ( a measure of the cotton's fineness ), color grade, color reflectance, color yellowness, and trash percent area.
  8. The yellowness isn't really noticeable, though, since it's too bright-it's like an overexposed photograph, it just appears white-so you wouldn't really tell the difference with the naked eye, you would need a spectrograph .-- talk ) 20 : 00, 12 October 2011 ( UTC)
  9. At the first sign of symptoms, " more especially if those symptoms be accompanied by a redness, or faint yellowness in the eyes, and dull or shooting pains about the region of the liver, take one of the powders in a little sugar and water, every six hours, until they produce four or five large evacuations from the bowels . . . " He urged that the patient stay in bed and " drink plentifully " of barley or chicken water.
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