
yellowish brown sentence in Hindi

"yellowish brown" meaning in Hindi  yellowish brown in a sentence  


  1. The markings are yellowish brown, but brown at the costa.
  2. The larvae have a greenish yellow body and yellowish brown head.
  3. The forewings are yellowish brown with a reddish-brown pattern.
  4. The larvae have a green body and a yellowish brown head.
  5. The suffusions are brownish grey and the markings are yellowish brown.
  6. The forewings are pale yellowish brown, darkest along the costa.
  7. The suffusions are yellow brown and the markings are yellowish brown.
  8. The forewings are greyish yellow, with scattered yellowish brown scales.
  9. The wings are pale yellowish brown, lightly speckled with grey.
  10. The forewings are white with the transverse fasciae pale yellowish brown.
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