waffler in a sentence
- Ever since 1992, when he was perceived as a waffler at best and a liar at worst, he has never represented the best of the presidential tradition.
- He said Dole was " a little extreme, a little harsh on the environment " but added that he considers Clinton " a waffler ."
- Asked about recent attack advertisements painting him as a waffler, Kerry grew indignant, calling the charge " standard Republican playbook " and tossing it back at his opponent.
- Heavier is usually better; most of the experts rate the sturdy, compact irons by Vitantonio-- which even makes a Texas-shape waffler-- as superior.
- Fear of being called a waffler made Kerry and his advisers reluctant to criticize Bush on Iraq until the dip in polls shook them out of their slumber, aides said.
- Clinton, too, helped himself by sounding distinctly presidential, thoughtful in explaining his positions and much more comfortable as chief executive than his image as a policy waffler would indicate.
- If it's waffling to spend some time contemplating an issue and then taking a position you are comfortable with, well, we could use more wafflers in public office.
- He has mocked " Newt the slasher, Bill the waffler, and Jesse ( Helms ) the crank " as " white men who make black people uneasy ."
- He said the issue makes Bush look strong on counterterrorism and Kerry look like a " waffler, " because the Democrat voted for the Patriot Act and then criticized it in the primaries.
- U . S . business leaders on Wednesday extolled President Clinton for his salvaged Mexico rescue plan, calling it a bold and decisive move that contrasts sharply with his image as a waffler.