
ocular dominance in a sentence

ocular dominance meaning in Hindi


  1. Long-term depression has also been observed in the visual cortex, and it is proposed to be involved in ocular dominance.
  2. Surprisingly, however, many squirrel monkeys either lack or partially lack ocular dominance columns, which would not be expected if they are useful.
  3. In the visual system thalamic axons to layer 4 form ocular dominance columns and this segregation of thalamic axons is impaired if subplate neurons are missing.
  4. The information from push-rods and electroreceptors combine in the somatosensory cortex in a structure with stripes similar to the ocular dominance columns for vision.
  5. Hubel and Wiesel had demonstrated that ocular dominance columns in the lowest neocortical visual area, V1, remained largely immutable after the critical period in development.
  6. Ocular dominance is an important consideration in predicting patient satisfaction with monovision correction in cataract surgery refractive surgery, also laser eye surgery, and contact lens wear.
  7. In addition, TMEM126A experiences higher levels of expression in peripheral blood cells in patients diagnosed with Huntington's disease as well as individuals who experience ocular dominance.
  8. The analysis of ocular dominance and patient specific interocular suppression and binocular rivalry also allows for ensuring the eyes can work together to create the Laser Blended Vision effect.
  9. Specifically, digestion of PNNs in the visual cortex well after the closure of the critical period ( postnatal day 70 ) reactivated critical period plasticity and allowed ocular dominance shift to occur.
  10. Additionally, in adult rats that had been monocularly deprivated since youth, digestion of PNNs brought about a full structural and functional recovery ( recovery of ocular dominance, visual acuity, and dendritic spine density ).
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