learned profession in a sentence
- Vel�zquez was educated by his parents to fear God and, intended for a learned profession, received good training in languages and philosophy.
- Young men were prepared there for'the university and the ecclesiastical colleges, the learned professions, the public service, civil and military '.
- By at least the year 1675, the term had seen secular application and was applied to the three learned professions : Divinity, Law, and Medicine.
- Because of his refusal to enter one of the learned professions, he was disowned by his father, and for the next ten years he lived a bohemian existence.
- How worthy was she not of this calling, and how long she could have gone in the learned professions, had she seen them as becoming of her sex"
- Thus in some ways mathematics, like other learned professions, provides a good living for its practitioners . talk ) 22 : 33, 10 September 2009 ( UTC)
- High incomes-- $ 75, 000 or better-- advanced degrees and otherwise learned professions don't matter when it comes to irrational mistakes, she said.
- He was educated for a learned profession, but he preferred painting, which he studied under Sen�n Vila at Murcia, and afterwards at Madrid with one of the Menendez.
- Quite a number of young men, who in after life made their mark in the learned professions, and in other departments of activity and usefulness, were educated by him.
- As learned professions demanded well-educated young people, more secondary schools were established, and the state claimed the sole right to set standards and to supervise the newly established schools.