
cell differentiation sentence in Hindi

"cell differentiation" meaning in Hindi  cell differentiation in a sentence  


  1. During B-cell differentiation, IgM is the exclusive isotype expressed by immature B cells.
  2. This gene may play a role in embryonic development and epithelial cell differentiation.
  3. It is also thought to control B and T cell differentiation, alongside mir-155.
  4. If deficient in XY mice, there is a delay in Sertoli cell differentiation.
  5. Studies of this gene's mouse counterpart suggest a key role in T-cell differentiation.
  6. Therefore, the organism is an excellent model for studying cell differentiation.
  7. In the 1990s, Jones studied programmed cell death associated with plant cell differentiation.
  8. This gene encodes a protein that may regulate endothelial cell differentiation.
  9. It drives red blood cell differentiation and represses megakaryocyte formation.
  10. IL-10 suppresses Th1 cells differentiation and function of dendritic cells.
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