agnosia in a sentence
- Agnosia occurs because of failure to re-encode melodic information properly.
- In addition the occipitoparietal pathway is sometimes damaged in apperceptive agnosia patients.
- Associative music agnosia reflects an impaired representational system which disrupts music recognition.
- Individuals diagnosed with agnosia, may not be able to perform mental reasoning.
- Using verbal descriptions may be helpful for individuals with certain types of agnosia.
- Tactile agnosia observations are rare and case-specific.
- Interpretive or receptive agnosia ( amusia ) is an inability to understand music.
- Lev Vygotsky published an important review of visual agnosia.
- Alternate cues may be particularly useful to an individual with environmental agnosia or prosopagnosia.
- Those with apperceptive agnosia, however, have difficultly copying geometric shapes and letters.