cesarian in a sentence
- One HIV-positive woman said her scarring from an emergency cesarian operation became infected after doctors at a public hospital neglected to treat her properly because of her disease.
- In one scenario, a complicated pregnancy, with gestational diabetes, pre-term labor, cesarian section and neonatal intensive care, would cost $ 287, 000.
- They said the process is more dangerous than carrying the child to term, and said even inducing premature labor or delivering by cesarian section would be a better way of handling severely deformed fetuses.
- 2010 saw the release of This is What I Wanted to Give You'a collaboration with The Cesarians'drummer and poet Jan Noble and the beginning of a new song cycle from McKevitt.
- A meta analysis showed many benefits to the presence of a support individual ( doula, family member ) including lower use of pharmacologic analgesia, decreased length of labor, and lower incidence of cesarian section.
- Finally, they were the headliners on the first day of the " Indie Rocket Festival 2007 " ( along with the Devastations, Acid Cobra and The Cesarians ) that took place in Pescara, Italy on June 22.
- Some hospitals are completely booked for planned caesarean sections on the first two days of next month as pregnant women put off elective cesarians until the new payment kicks in, Sydney's " The Daily Telegraph " newspaper said.
- The medical team hoped that Sandra Soto would make it to at least 37 weeks'gestation before the twins were born, and they scheduled a Cesarian section and the twins'surgery for the first week in June, 1999.
- The 28-year-old woman, Rosilene Fernandes Andriao, gave birth to the two boys Wednesday after doctors performed a Cesarian section in a hospital in Cariacia, about 400 kilometers ( 250 miles ) northeast of Rio de Janeiro, according to the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.
- In fact, Dagny, though a loving mother, was in the habit of leaving her own two children ( Zenon born on 28 September 1895, and Ivi ( Iwa ) born on 2 or 5 October 1897, probably by cesarian section ) with her parents in Kongsvinger for periods of time.