factitious in a sentence
- Mellers et al . warn that such tests are neither conclusive nor impossible for a determined patient with factitious disorder to " pass " through faking convincingly.
- In criterion 3, the article does not set MBI in the general context of Munchausen syndrome and factitious disorders ( which the lead mentions briefly ).
- There have always been people who faked illness for one reason or another, and for centuries doctors have known about such phony ailments, called factitious disorders.
- Factitious disorder imposed on another is a condition in which a person deliberately produces, feigns, or exaggerates the symptoms of someone in his or her care.
- M�nchausen syndrome, a severe form of factitious disorder, was the first kind identified, and was for a period the umbrella term for all such disorders.
- That same year, Sneed and Bell wrote an article titled " The Dauphin of Munchausen : factitious passage of renal stones in a child ".
- In the context of a positive Hoover's sign, functional weakness ( or " conversion disorder " ) is much more likely than malingering or factitious disorder.
- Munchausen Syndrome is a factitious disorder, a mental disorder where a person acts as if he or she is sick to get attention but really are completely fine.
- Women are believed to develop factitious disorders more often than men, said Beatrice Crofts Yorker, a Georgia psychiatric nurse and attorney who also will speak at the conference.
- Feldman said most people with factitious disorders were " longing for nurturing, sympathy, care and concern that they feel unable to get in appropriate ways ."