stratigraphic section in a sentence
- The northern Gulf of Mexico slope includes a stratigraphic section more than 10 km ( 6 mi ) thick and has been profoundly influenced by salt movement.
- The mineralogy of a komatiite varies systematically through the typical stratigraphic section of a komatiite flow and reflects magmatic processes which komatiites are susceptible to during their eruption and cooling.
- In the United States, biochronology is widely used as a synonym for biostratigraphy, but in Canada and Europe the term is reserved for biochronology that is not tied to a particular stratigraphic section.
- The Sadler effect provides a powerful framework for understanding how information extracted from any given stratigraphic section differs from what should be expected under constant conditions-that is, it provides a null hypothesis for analysing stratigraphy.
- Similarly, it is conjectured that the current position of the zinc and lead lodes at Broken Hill may not necessarily be related to their original position along the bedding planes ( S0 ), or vertically within the stratigraphic section.
- Generalized stratigraphic sections from the region indicate Gasconadian age strata take between 20 and 40 percent the Lower Ordovician section; 20 percent in Franklin Mtns outside of El Paso, Texas; 40 percent in the Caballo Mtns further north in southern New Mexico.
- Possibly inspired by geologist John Whitehurst's 1782 diagrams of stratigraphic sections in the Matlock area of Derbyshire, in 1785 Watson presented Whitehurst with a diagrammatic'Tablet','A Section of a Mountain in Derbyshire', made from samples of the rocks themselves.
- Since oldest rocks are deposited first and lowest in a stratigraphic section, whether one is discussing the rock record is usually clear in context . ( A fossil or feature present in the " upper Phanerozoic " eonothem ( strata ) would be discussed as being dated within the " later Phanerozoic " eon, whereas something found in the middle Phanerozoic could be discussing a layer, stage or the relative time .)