stagnation pressure in a sentence
- In incompressible flows, the stagnation pressure at a stagnation point is equal to the total pressure throughout the flow field.
- Though, entropy is increasing; this must be accounted for by a drop in stagnation pressure of the downstream fluid.
- The resulting stagnation pressure is highest near the water surface where the approach velocity is greatest, and smaller lower down.
- However, they cause a high pressure hazard, result in difficulty holding a constant stagnation pressure, and are noisy during operation.
- In front of that object, the fluid builds up a stagnation pressure as impact with the object brings the moving fluid to rest.
- In compressible flow the stagnation pressure is equal to total pressure only if the fluid entering the stagnation point is brought to rest isentropically.
- For many purposes in compressible flow, the stagnation enthalpy or stagnation temperature plays a role similar to the stagnation pressure in incompressible flow.
- For supersonic flow, however, pitot pressure is the stagnation pressure of the flow behind the normal shock ahead of the pitot tube.
- The airspeed is derived from the difference between the ram air pressure from the pitot tube, or stagnation pressure, and the static pressure.
- The injected mixture will cool the freestream air such that a gain in stagnation pressure is realized as the flow decelerates inside of the engine.