seconder in a sentence
- The candidates, with a proposer and a seconder for each, addressed the assembled voters.
- The meeting was poorly attended, with " few more there than his proposer and seconder ".
- The person's proposer, seconder and at least four assentors must also be present in person.
- Johnson was nominated for vice president by C . M . Allen of Indiana with an Iowa delegate as seconder.
- Call me crazy, but in typical voting, you nominate . . . and then you need a seconder.
- This can be seen as a generalisation of the current system, where the number of seconders required = 0.
- One of the supporters of the ministry moved that Parkes should be expelled but only obtained the support of his seconder.
- :: : Requiring of a seconder is not a bureaucratic nightmare as evidenced by its common use in many places.
- Fran�oise Boivin was also chosen to be the official seconder to the 2004 Speech from the Throne in October of that year.
- The candidates, their nominators and seconders one after another mounted an old tomb ( now removed ), to address the constituents.