relative activity in a sentence
- Although parvulin is as active as the larger prolyl isomerases against a short proline-containing test peptide, it has lower relative activity against biological substrates, possibly because the larger molecules have a higher ability to bind the substrate peptide.
- The relative activities of a series of novel monoalkyl esters of meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid ( MiADMSA ) have been examined as agents for the mobilization of cadmium, lead and arsenic owing to the ability of these monoesters to cross cell membranes.
- For a comparison of the relative activity of the ordinary courts, in 1969 there were 468, 273 criminal cases in Germany, and 388, 619 or 83 % of these were held in the " Amtsgericht " composed of a single judge.
- To detect the presence and functionality of AMOs, researchers can observe the relative activity of the target enzyme or protein of the miRNA . This method was used in a study of single AMOs targeting multiple miRNAs, where relative luciferase activity in HEK293 cells was monitored.
- The relative activity of the various divisions of ONUSAL can be seen from their authorized strengths : the Human Rights Division included approximately 50 observers, legal advisors and educators; the Military Division was authorized 249, with an additional 88 observers deployed for the critical " separation of forces " period in early 1992; the Police Division, by far the largest, was provided with 631 personnel.