pyroxenite in a sentence
- Enstatite, close to En 90 Fs 10 in composition, is an essential mineral in typical peridotite and pyroxenite of the Earth's mantle.
- "' Baltimore Gabbro Complex "'is a hypersthene gabbro with subordinate amounts of olivine gabbro, norite, anorthositic gabbro, and pyroxenite.
- "' Pyroxenite Promontory "'is a promontory rising to about 1, 150 m near the west end of Dufek Massif in the Pensacola Mountains.
- Although some mantle pyroxenites contain garnet, they are not eclogites, as clinopyroxene in them is less sodic than omphacite and the pyroxenite compositions typically are unlike that of basalt.
- It was first described in 1965 in the Afrikanda pyroxenite massif, a formation on Russia's Kola Peninsula and was named for Nikolai Grigorievich Kassin ( 1885 1949 ), a prominent Russian geologist.
- "Ceanothus ophiochilus " is a plant of the chaparral plant community, and in its small native range which currently is only a few acres, it grows in pyroxenite soil atop an ancient volcano.
- At high mantle temperatures, solid-state diffusion can also be effective in changing rock compositions over tens of centimeters adjacent to melt conduits : gradients in mineral composition adjacent to pyroxenite dikes may preserve evidence of the process.
- The name was proposed by Arthur B . Ford, leader of the United States Geological Survey ( USGS ) geological party in the Pensacola Mountains, 1978 79, from the pyroxenite rock which forms a conspicuous dark layer along the cliffs of the promontory.
- The complex is located in the Canadian Shield some 85 kilometers northwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario and Lake Superior at 49.10.00 N 089.36.00 W . The complex includes gabbro, pyroxenite, Sm-Nd dating on pyroxenite.
- The complex is located in the Canadian Shield some 85 kilometers northwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario and Lake Superior at 49.10.00 N 089.36.00 W . The complex includes gabbro, pyroxenite, Sm-Nd dating on pyroxenite.